About Us

K.K. College is centrally located in the heart of the city of Indore. It is recognised by the department of higher education, M.P., and is affiliated to Devi Ahilya Vishwvidyalaya, Indore. presently, it offers Under Graduate and Post Graduate programs. To develop the employability skills of the students, to provide quality education at affordable fees & building student as an asset to the nation is the prime objective of the institute. K.K.College has completed 14 Years of serving education from the time of establishment in 2008, till date it has always marched towards progress achieving great heights.
Training, Placement & Industrial Visits
K.K.College Placements
Center for continuous employability
Placements are an integral part of any college annual
calender of acvies. K.K.College has a well laid-out
and systemac process of dovetailing our student’s
carrier aspiraons with corporate expectaons.

Center for continuous employability
- The Center for Connuous Employability assists students with career counselling , mentoring, placements and internships.
- K.K. College alumni, corporate relaons and innovaons in execuve educaon.
- The Center for Connuous Employability (CCE) considers the all ‘Placement Process’ sacrosanct and extends all support to ensure that students are given the right opportunity to streamline their career interests with the opportunies available.
- The CCE Team connuously endeavors to ensure K.K. College comes up with the best placements and becomes the most favored desnaon for recruiters.